>  don't think I'm getting all the mail I am supposed to. I hope this gets
> seen.
> I propose 2 functions *only* which I believe covers the use-cases that
> all 4 of these do and more, with shorter names, and the ability to
> discern whether the call succeeded or not.
>     list($key, $value) = array_first($input);
>     // $key will be null if the call failed
>     list($key, $value) = array_last($input);
>     // $key will be null if the call failed
> I have tested it with user-land functions and seems to work as
> intended in all success and failure conditions. Verification that it
> works as intended with internal functions is necessary but this seems
> a much better proposal to me.
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Hi Levi.

I have plans to bring an `array_find_first` and `array_find_last` to the
next PHP 7.x. It will basically work:

    $firstUserWithUsername = array_find_first(function (User $user): bool {
        return $user->username !== null;
    }, $users);

Just wanted to point that to alert that someone is working on that :)
Gabriel Caruso

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