On 20 June 2018 at 17:19, Levi Morrison <le...@php.net> wrote:

> Bad behavior of existing functions does not mean we should create new
> functions with the same bad behavior. If you believe lack of education
> regarding array destructuring is an issue then we can use this example
> specifically in the docs for these functions; problem solved.

I'm torn between your point of view and Enno's.

Note that we're not talking about "lack of education regarding array
destructuring", because there's no array being destructured; we're talking
about "lack of education regarding the side-effect behaviour of the array
destructuring operator when given a non-array input". It's a pretty
obscure, seemingly undocumented, language feature, and one which the RFC
you linked seems to have originally classed as unwanted behaviour.

If it was used in a prominent example, maybe other uses for this idiom
might start cropping up, and people would start using it. Even so, if I saw
it while reviewing or debugging code, I would probably be tempted to
refactor it to something "less clever" so that the intent was clearer.

On balance, I don't think the example you gave is a compelling reason, on
its own, to go with your suggested signature. The separate functions feel
more convenient in a lot of cases, but maybe less so in others.

Rowan Collins

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