
Den søn. 24. jun. 2018 kl. 18.47 skrev Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com>:
> If you have a minor deprecation in mind, but were too lazy to write an RFC
> for it, please write me a mail until tomorrow, so that it might be included
> as part of this proposal. As time is limited I don't want to include
> anything larger or controversial in this RFC though.

As suggested in the past, I would like to add the following to this
list (if its not too late):

 - The (real) type-cast and its function, is_real(). There doesn't
seem to be any support for reals in settype() anyway (side note: in
the implementation of settype() it claims "double" is deprecated)
 - Function variants that already exists as constants, php_sapi_name()
> PHP_SAPI, pi() > M_PI, phpversion() > PHP_VERSION etc
 - enable_dl ini directive, as dl() is only operational for CLI and Embed anyway
 - pdo_odbc.db2_instance_name ini directive, its been marked as
deprecated and mentioned in the manual since PHP 5.1.11 that it will
*certainly* be removed in the future
 - The 'b' constant string prefix, its not used and was meant as to
make code ready for PHP6, should the time come where we want to add a
feature that uses this, we can always re-add it

Other things thats been suggested by others in the past:

 - Second parameter of spl_autoload() and its associated function
 - hebrevc() -- same as hebrev() + nl2br(), perhaps even deprecate
hebrev() too (see next one)
 - convert_cyr_string() -- Point to mb_convert_encoding() / iconv
 - Remove get_magic_quotes_gpc(), not been working for what, 5+ years now?
 - allow_url_include ini option, this can lead to all kinds of
security complications anyway
 - The alternative string interpolation syntaxes (${varName},
${varName['offset']}, ${expr}) and make them more consistent
({$varName}, {$varName['offset']}, {${expr}})
 - The historial parameter handling that works both ways for
implode(), should be unified to match that of explode()

I could probably think of more, but thats all I got for now. I can and
will of course help produce the relevant patches should it be needed
for most of these things.


Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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