> I would like to see this in an extension first, i think it's perfectly
doable and people can test it before merging to core

Actually not sure this can be done as an extension because it changes
zend_operators and introduces a new handler to make it all work.

> Would be nice if compareTo and equals were used only if left operand and
right operand used the same comparator function.
In other words, $a == $b must not work if $a->__equals and $b->__equals are
two different functions

So effectively it means we only call __equals if both sides are instances
of the same class?

> If $left operand and $right operand both have the magic methods, it will
call $left->__magic($right), otherwise, if only the right one has the
handler? What if the right one has compareTo and the left has only equal?
you probably should add a table that explains which method is called
depending in the availability of the two magic methods in the operands.

Good idea. :) In brief, as it's implemented right now, the LHS takes
precedence and the RHS will be called if it's the only one that implements
the operation. I'll write some more tests for these cases and build that
table for the RFC.

> I'd introduce a debug mode that forces php to call both
$left->__equals($right) and $right->__equals($left) so that symmetry is
guaranteed by design.

If we want to guarantee symmetry by design, we have to either compare both
sides or only compare if instances of the same class, or document that
comparison should be implemented such that a > b == b < a, etc. I'm not
convinced that a double comparison outweighs the responsibility on the user
to be sensible.

On Tue, 26 Jun 2018 at 21:04, Wes <netmo....@gmail.com> wrote:

> some ideas and concerns:
> - I would like to see this in an extension first, i think it's perfectly
> doable and people can test it before merging to core
> - would be nice if compareTo and equals were used only if left operand and
> right operand used the same comparator function.
> In other words, $a == $b must not work if $a->__equals and $b->__equals
> are two different functions
> - otherwise RFC should specify the precedence. if $left operand and $right
> operand both have the magic methods, it will call $left->__magic($right),
> otherwise, if only the right one has the handler?
>   what if the right one has compareTo and the left has only equal? you
> probably should add a table that explains which method is called depending
> in the availability of the two magic methods in the operands.
> - I'd introduce a debug mode that forces php to call both
> $left->__equals($right) and $right->__equals($left) so that symmetry is
> guaranteed by design. You could do that when "assertions" are active.
> gl

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