On 27 June 2018 at 16:24, Michał Brzuchalski <mic...@brzuchalski.com> wrote:

> There is also one more thing I can think of. If __equals and __compareTo
> methods
> don't have any restrictions for $other parameter typehint then I'll be able
> to declare
> Foo {
>     public function __compareTo(int $other): int {}
> }
> and will get some error on
> new Foo() == new DateTime('now');

This can already happen with other magic methods. For instance:

class A {
    public function __set(int $foo, int $bar) {}
$a = new A;
$a->test = 42;

# TypeError: Argument 1 passed to A::__set() must be of the type int,
string given

As long as the implementation correctly unwinds the stack when a Throwable
is encountered (__toString *can't* cope with this, and bails out the
engine), I don't think this is a problem.

Rowan Collins

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