On Wednesday, June 27, 2018 5:58:29 PM CDT Rudolf Theunissen wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've made some changes to the RFC and the implementation today to explain
> some of the edge cases and combined behaviour better.
> There are some issues towards the bottom of the RFC that I would really
> like some opinions on. They all have decisions made but are not concrete,
> so I'd like to know if anyone has strong opinions on them before they are
> considered a final part of the RFC. I'm happy with the current state but
> I'm very open to changing those decisions if there's a good enough reason
> to.
> See https://wiki.php.net/rfc/object-comparison#open_issues
> Thank you

Overall, I like.

Regarding what is legal to compare to, it seems useful to leverage the 
optional type hint.  So given:

class Foo {
    public function __compareTo(Foo $other) {}

class Bar extends Foo {
  public function __compareTo(Bar $other) {}

In this case, the order of checking to see what method to call will also check 
for type compatibility.  That is, $f < $b checks Foo::__compareTo(), finds it 
doesn't match, and so calls Bar::__compareTo() instead, which does.

"However, because magic methods aren't inherited" - Wait, they're not?  Are 
you certain of that?  Because 3v4l.org says they are:


I don't understand Future Scope point 1.  It... means we're already covering 
those operators.  Why is there future scope needed?

I otherwise agree with the current Open Issues directions.

--Larry Garfield

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