On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 11:07 AM Côme Chilliet <c...@opensides.be> wrote:

> Le mardi 5 février 2019, 10:36:48 CET Zeev Suraski a écrit :
> > Regardless of what you did, actually obtaining full voting rights
> > meant you had to ask for a VCS account, and have a reasonably good
> > explanation on why you need one - enough to convince one of the folks
> > with admin rights on master.php.net to click the 'Accept' button.
> > That's all.  Immediately, one has identical rights to someone who may
> > have been spending years of their time on PHP, in a one way ticket.
> To me that is the purpose of voting, what you’re saying is like
> complaining that in a democracy old people with experience has the same
> voting power than young ones.
> I feel for votes to make sense you need a lot of people voting, a vote
> between the 10 core developers does not make a lot of sense, and could well
> be replaced by a discussion on a mailing list.
> I’m also not sure why one would need to be coding PHP itself to be able to
> vote its direction, I feel it’s sane that people using it have a say in it.

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.  I would say that the way
virtually every other major Open Source project serves as a fairly good
proof point for my position.  In fact, even with the new eligible voting
criteria, we'd be well ahead of most other major OS projects in terms of
the number of people included in the process with full equal voting rights.


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