On Mon, 04 Mar 2019 00:44:59, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
Please avoid such language on the list. This is not Twitter and not any
other forum where such things are welcome. If you can't keep yourself
within the bounds of civilized discussion, you probably should consider
using some other forum or delay your responses until you are
sufficiently in control to avoid such behavior. The correct behavior
from now on would be to a) apologize and b) never use such language on
the list again.

No, wrong. This is Twitter.

I made a reasonable proposal with possible solutions, examples and references:


and what did i get? 4 joke/rude replies, some from PHP developers:

- https://marc.info?m=155158424003446
- https://marc.info?m=155158846204229
- https://marc.info?m=155159579405704
- https://marc.info?m=155165880221224

and then i get this private email, which i think holds quite well for my point:

It is uselses to discuss anything with PHP core devs. They live in their own
little world that has no reality in real language development. Above argument
will be ignored, because they know it's a valid argument. They only react to
statements that have a slight error (or they think they have a point) to take
you or your statement apart.

Why do you think there are other, more recent (and even older), languages
which are way more consistent and thought out?

They also have the tendency to react hostile to any argument that does not
match their ideas. This is one of the reasons why I don't contribute to PHP,
even though I would have liked to code internals and php-fpm.

i was considering writing an RFC per this message:


but after the rude and joke responses i wont waste my time. you dont want people
treating this like twitter, then maybe look at your own people first.

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