> On 10 Aug 2019, at 17:56, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Lack of type information for internal functions in Reflection is a
> long-standing issue. In PHP 8 we finally have all the necessary technical
> groundwork done to support argument and return type annotations on internal
> functions at scale.
> The only thing left is to actually add those type annotations ... to many
> hundreds of functions. This is something everyone can help with, as it does
> not need expertise in C.
> I've opened a sample PR to show the process:
> https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/4499
> Here, we take some existing arginfo structures in basic_functions.c and
> convert them into stubs in basic_functions.stub.php. We can take the
> argument names from the existing arginfo. To figure out the types, we need
> to look at the implementation (the php.net documentation tends to lie about
> details).
> For example, the first function, set_time_limit is defined in
> https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/172c71980df0fe4c9d62c3365f0a2cdb139e3e86/main/main.c#L1501.
> We see that it accepts an "l" parameter, which is an int. We see that it
> uses RETVAL_TRUE and RETVAL_FALSE, which means the return value is a bool.
> Once this is done, we need to auto-generate new arginfo data. If you have a
> development setup, this is done automatically when running "make".
> Otherwise, it's possible to manually run "php scripts/dev/gen_stub.php
> ext/standard/basic_functions.stub.php".
> Any help would be appreciated :)
> Regards,
> Nikita

I’d like to help if I can.

Some extensions have what appear to be conditional arginfo (for example the 
LDAP extension, which I *assume* is to handle building against different 
versions of underlying ldap library that support different features) - is there 
a way / need to handle those  in this stub format that the generator script 


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