I would be happy to help annotate the functions from the extensions in the 
Missing list. One question. Should we be using the documentation as the source 
of truth for parameter types, and return values?

On Mon, Aug 26, 2019, at 8:11 AM, Nikita Popov wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 12:56 PM Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Lack of type information for internal functions in Reflection is a
> > long-standing issue. In PHP 8 we finally have all the necessary technical
> > groundwork done to support argument and return type annotations on internal
> > functions at scale.
> >
> > The only thing left is to actually add those type annotations ... to many
> > hundreds of functions. This is something everyone can help with, as it does
> > not need expertise in C.
> >
> > I've opened a sample PR to show the process:
> > https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/4499
> >
> > Here, we take some existing arginfo structures in basic_functions.c and
> > convert them into stubs in basic_functions.stub.php. We can take the
> > argument names from the existing arginfo. To figure out the types, we need
> > to look at the implementation (the php.net documentation tends to lie
> > about details).
> >
> > For example, the first function, set_time_limit is defined in
> > https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/172c71980df0fe4c9d62c3365f0a2cdb139e3e86/main/main.c#L1501.
> > We see that it accepts an "l" parameter, which is an int. We see that it
> > uses RETVAL_TRUE and RETVAL_FALSE, which means the return value is a bool.
> >
> > Once this is done, we need to auto-generate new arginfo data. If you have
> > a development setup, this is done automatically when running "make".
> > Otherwise, it's possible to manually run "php scripts/dev/gen_stub.php
> > ext/standard/basic_functions.stub.php".
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated :)
> >
> > Regards,
> > Nikita
> >
> Thanks everyone for your help with this project!
> I think at this point we have about half of the extensions covered, here's
> a hopefully up to date list of the extensions that are done and those that
> are still missing stubs:
> Complete:
> ext/bcmath
> ext/bz2
> ext/calendar
> ext/com_dotnet
> ext/ctype
> ext/curl
> ext/date
> ext/enchant
> ext/filter
> ext/ftp
> ext/gd
> ext/gettext
> ext/gmp
> ext/iconv
> ext/json
> ext/openssl
> ext/pcre
> ext/posix
> ext/readline
> ext/shmop
> ext/sqlite3
> ext/sysvmsg
> ext/sysvsem
> ext/sysvshm
> ext/tokenizer
> ext/zip
> ext/zlib
> Pending PRs:
> ext/exif
> ext/fileinfo
> ext/ldap
> ext/session
> ext/simplexml
> Incomplete:
> ext/standard
> Missing:
> ext/dba
> ext/dom
> ext/ffi
> ext/hash
> ext/imap
> ext/intl
> ext/libxml
> ext/mbstring
> ext/mysqli
> ext/mysqlnd
> ext/oci8
> ext/odbc
> ext/opcache
> ext/pcntl
> ext/pdo
> ext/pdo_*
> ext/pgsql
> ext/phar
> ext/pspell
> ext/reflection
> ext/snmp
> ext/soap
> ext/sockets
> ext/sodium
> ext/spl
> ext/tidy
> ext/xml
> ext/xmlreader
> ext/xmlrpc
> ext/xmlwriter
> ext/xsl
> Regards,
> Nikita

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