On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 6:06 PM G. P. B. <george.bany...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It seems this topic already has been raised a year ago [1] but nothing has
> been done.
> So I would like to raise the issue again, there are a various of old and
> empty branches currently in git, would it be possible to remove them?
> 1/ Which ones *specifically*?  Some release branches are empty only
because they didn't need to be patched after release (and our release
process was different).  Some are old and even "abandoned", like the
first-unicode-implementation, but they serve a useful historical purpose.

2/ Why?  Git branches are lightweight and don't really impact the project
in any way beyond enumerations.  I'm not against getting rid of truly
pointless branches, but I'm also not sure what the appeal is.


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