Hi internals,

A gentle reminder to everyone that this mailing list has rules, documented
at https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/docs/mailinglist-rules.md. In

> 1. If you notice that your posting ratio is much higher than that of
other people, double check the above rules. Try to wait a bit longer before
sending your replies to give other people more time to digest your answers
and more importantly give you the opportunity to make sure that you
aggregate your current position into a single mail instead of multiple ones.

Unless you are the author of an RFC, please limit yourself to sending no
more than 2 or 3 mails per thread per day -- if you send more, it is very
likely that you are either repeating yourself, or are performing a
mail-by-mail refutation, rather than aggregating your response.

Sending too many mails is very rude, because it drowns out discussions with
a single opinion, makes it hard for other people to be heard, and takes up
valuable time.


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