Den 2019-09-15 kl. 20:49, skrev Nikita Popov:


Our build instructions in are currently a bit
bare... they show the basic "./buildconf && ./configure && make" cycle, but
everyone who actually tries this will quickly find out that there is a lot
more to building PHP...

Every time I compile PHP on a new system, I have to go through a pretty
long cycle of ./configure --xxx, wait until there is an error, "sudo apt
install libxxx-dev" and so on.

It would be great if someone could write up the required "apt get" and
"./configure" line to get a "reasonably large" build of PHP on a popular
Linux distro like Ubuntu 18.04, so this can be included in the README.
Something similar for MacOS would probably also be useful, where things are
even more complicated.

Bonus points for also including how to set up MySQL and Postgres in a way
that you can run mysqli/pdo_mysql and pgsql/pdo_pgsql tests. I think I lose
a couple of hours every time I try to get this working.

Anyone interested in doing this?



If it's not done already I could take a swing a bit later in early October
for a Centos 7.7 distro.

r//Björn L

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