> > So we'd probably need some built-in definition of a "package", which
> could be analysed and compiled as one unit, and didn't rely on any run-time
> loading.
> That idea of a "package" came up during a debate on this list at least
> once, a few months ago, and I think it makes a lot of sense. And what I
> proposed effectively implies that namespaces would be treated like packages
> from the perspective of the compiler.

Putting aside the idea of distributing pre-compiled PHP scripts, if we're
only debating the precompilation as, notably, a means to reduce the cost of
type checks, I wouldn't mind if the precompilation occurred *only if
preloading is in use*, i.e if most class definitions are known on server
startup, which is when the compilation / optimization passes could occur.
No preloading = no such optimizations, I could personally live with that.

No need for a package definition, IMO.

— Benjamin

On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 at 00:56, Mike Schinkel <m...@newclarity.net> wrote:

> > On Oct 27, 2019, at 7:04 PM, Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Thank you for your comments.
> > I chose the phrase "static analysis tool" deliberately, because I wanted
> to think about the minimum requirements for such a tool, rather than its
> long-term possibilities.
> Your points are all well-considered.
> To be clear, I wasn't stating the idea as a alternative to your idea, I
> was only stating that your comments inspired me to have the idea of a
> pre-compiler.
> IOW, I saw no reason both could not be done, one sooner and the other
> later.
> > However, combining those usefully may not be that easy.
> Also for clarity, I was not assuming existing OpCache would be 100%
> unmodified, I was talking about benefits that a pre-compiler could have and
> was less focused on ensuring it could slot into an existing OpCache
> implementation as-is.
> IOW, if it is worth doing it might be worth extending how the OpCache
> works.
> > So we'd probably need some built-in definition of a "package", which
> could be analysed and compiled as one unit, and didn't rely on any run-time
> loading.
> That idea of a "package" came up during a debate on this list at least
> once, a few months ago, and I think it makes a lot of sense. And what I
> proposed effectively implies that namespaces would be treated like packages
> from the perspective of the compiler.
> But then again a new package concept might be needed in addition to
> namespaces, I am not certain either way.
> > Unlike P++, Editions, or Strict Mode, this would undeniably define that
> the deprecated features were "the wrong way".
> I am not sure I cam agree that it would define them as the "wrong way."
> The way I would see it is there would be a "strict way" and an "unstrict
> way."  If you prefer the simplicity of low strictness and do not need
> more/better performance or the benefits of type-safety that are needed for
> building large applications, then the "right way" would still be the
> "unstrict way."
> And the non-strict features would not be "deprecated" per-se, they would
> instead be disallowed for the strict (compiled) way, but still allowed for
> the unstrict (interpreted) way.
> > If the engine had to support the feature anyway,
> I think we are talking two engines; one for compiling and another for
> interpreting.  They could probably share a lot of code, but I would think
> it would still need to be two different engines.
> > I'm not sure what the advantage would be of tying it to "compiled vs
> non-compiled", rather than opting in via a declare() statement or package
> config.
> The advantage would be two-fold:
> 1. Backward compatibility
> 2. Allowing PHP to continue to meet the needs of new/less-skilled
> programmers and/or people who want a more productive language for smaller
> projects that do not need or want all the enterprisey type-safe features.
> Frankly it is this advantage which is the primary reason I though to send
> a message to the list. The chance to have the benefit of strictness and
> high performance for more advanced PHP developers while still having full
> BC for existing code and for beginner developers seemed highly compelling
> to me.
> -Mike

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