* [16/09/04 00:52] Trobairitz:
> avui  tinc  ganes  de  desbarrar,  no se'm prenguis gaire en
> serio:

Al contrari, l'encertes de ple.

Ara em ve al cap un dialeg de la meva pelicula preferida...

Dax: General, you're saying that more than half my men will be killed.
Mireaus: Yes, it's a terrible price to pay, Colonel.
Mireaus: But we will have the Ant Hill.
Dax: But will we, sir?
Mireaus: I'm depending on you, Colonel. All France is depending on you.
Mireaus: Am I amusing you, Colonel?
Dax: I'm not a bull, General. I don't need a flag waved to get me to charge.
Mireaus: I don't like your comparison of the flag of France to a bullfighter's cape.
Dax: I meant nothing disrespectful to the flag of France, sir.
Mireaus: Patriotism may be old-fashioned, but a patriot is an honest man.
Dax: Not everyone has always thought so. Samuel Johnson said something else.
Mireaus: What was that?
Dax: Nothing, really.
Mireaus: What do you mean, "Nothing, really"?
Dax: Well, sir, nothing really important.
Mireaus: When I ask a question, it's important.
Mireaus: Now, who was this man?
Dax: Samuel Johnson, sir.
Mireaus: All right. What did he have to say about patriotism?
Dax: He said it was the last refuge of a scoundrel, sir. I'm sorry.

El Kirk Douglas, eheh :))

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