
Call for Papers

Theme: Pluralism, Inclusion and Citizenship
Type: 8th Global Conference
Institution: Inter-Disciplinary.Net
Location: Lisbon (Portugal)
Date: 16.–18.3.2013
Deadline: 12.10.2012


With this multi-disciplinary project we seek to explore the new
developments and changes of the idea of pluralism and their
implications for social and political processes of inclusion,
exclusion and citizenship in contemporary societies. The project will
also assess the larger context of major world transformations, such
as new forms of migration and the massive movements of people across
the globe, as well as the impact of the multiple dynamics of
globalisation on rootedness and membership (including their tensions
and conflicts) and on a general sense of social acceptance and
recognition. Looking to encourage innovative trans-disciplinary
dialogues, we warmly welcome papers from all disciplines, professions
and vocations which struggle to understand what it means for people,
the world over, to be citizens in rapidly changing national, social
and political landscapes.

In the context of Pluralism, Inclusion and Citizenship, the project
recognizes that it is an arduous pursuit to provide a fully adequate
definition of justice; the project focuses on the fact that we can
clearly acknowledge instances of injustice. Injustice arises in
manifold forms and with varying degrees of intensity. From global
forms of injustice such as world hunger, poverty or war crimes to
more local ones such as ethnic or religious discrimination or
insufficient health insurance, a considerable number of people are
victims of continuous exploitation and suffering. This awareness of
injustice has increased even more with the rise of globalization.
Injustice is not confined to a certain part of the world, but it
transgresses frontiers. This leads to our all witnessing and
experiencing injustice directly or indirectly, and encourages us to
act responsibly in minimising, alleviating or ending it. This
multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary project also seeks to
define the framework of injustice by addressing its various
underlying causes and its impact on all aspects that concern not only
our inter-human relations but also our interaction with other
non-human beings.

In particular presentations, papers, workshops and pre-formed panels
are invited on any of the following themes:

1. The Idea of Injustice
- When does the idea of injustice arise? What triggers it and what is
  its aim?
- What is the relation between justice and injustice? Does injustice
  prevail when justice is absent or is there a non-linear connection
  between justice and injustice?
- How do we perceive an instance of injustice? Is there a universal
  understanding of injustice or is it rather culturally defined?
- Does the concept of injustice have moral implications? Does the
  pursuit of injustice necessarily mean, for example, a lack of a
  sense of responsibility?
- Is the pursuit of injustice solely confined to inter-human
  relations or does it also concern non-human beings such as animals?

2. Political Injustice
- What does violation of individual freedoms and liberties involve?
- Addressing injustice connected to social – political turmoil
- The role of government in the process and decisions concerning
  unfair procedures within society
- Religious, gender, ethnic and racial discrimination
- What are the means for addressing social and political injustice
  within society? What is the role of art and media in this regard?

3. Economic Injustice
- Is economic injustice related to a disproportionate distribution of
  wealth, services and goods, or is it explained rather through the
  balance between benefits and burdens?
- Poverty and the lack of primary goods necessary to lead a life of
  dignity and respect
- Disparities of wealth and income inequality – advantages and
- Can a political system such as capitalism or socialism cause
  economic injustice?
- The role of free market or lack thereof in addressing economic

4. Global Injustice
- What are various forms of global injustice, that is, instances of
  injustice that affect all of us?
- How can we address exploitation, violence, alienation,
  discrimination, inequality and marginalisation at a global level?;
  Encouraging awareness by building fluid boundaries of belonging and
  active participation
- The role of international organisations and international human
  rights laws in ending or alleviating famine, poverty,
  discrimination, inequality, etc.
- Should we make recourse to moral aspects for a greater awareness of
  global injustice?

Presentations will also be considered which deal with related themes.

What to Send

300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 12th October 2012.
All submissions are minimally double blind peer reviewed where
appropriate. If an abstract is accepted for the conference, a full
draft paper should be submitted by Friday 18th January 2013.
Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to the Organising
Chairs; abstracts may be in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF formats with
the following information and in this order:

a) author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d) title of abstract,
e) body of abstract E-mails should be titled: Pluralism 8 Abstract

Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using
footnotes and any special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as
bold, italics or underline). We acknowledge receipt and answer to all
paper proposals submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us in a
week you should assume we did not receive your proposal; it might be
lost in cyberspace! We suggest, then, to look for an alternative
electronic route or resend.

Joint Organising Chairs:

Ram Vemuri & Rob Fisher:

The conference is part of the ‘Diversity and Recognition’ research
projects, which in turn belong to the ‘At the Interface’ programmes
of Inter-Disciplinary.Net. It aims to bring together people from
different areas and interests to share ideas and explore discussions
which are innovative and challenging.


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149B Wroslyn Road
Freeland, Oxfordshire OX29 8HR
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1993 882087
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Email: p...@inter-disciplinary.net


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