
Call for Papers

Theme: The Human, Human Rights, and the Humanities
Type: 5th Annual Mid-America Humanities Conference for Undergraduate
and Graduate Student Research
Institution: Humanities and Western Civilization Program,
University of Kansas
Location: Lawrence, KS (USA)
Date: 3.–4.4.2014
Deadline: 6.12.2013


This conference offers a venue to critically examine the 
interrelationship of "the human," human rights, and the purview of
the humanities – interpreting human expression. We welcome papers
from undergraduate and graduate students in the humanities and social 
sciences that explore topics including, but not limited to, the 

- What are the benefits and limits to a notion of universal human
- Are there notions of being human that are not encapsulated by a
  human rights framework?
- How do artists and writers engage or critique notions of human
- What can we learn about the human experience, and, potentially
  human rights, from a speculative vantage point, such as that of
  science fiction?
- How do disciplines that challenge normative parameters of human 
  experience such as Queer Studies, Disability Studies, or Animal
  Studies enrich and/ or complicate notions of human rights?

Please submit 250 word paper abstracts to Dr. Marike Janzen, 
mjan...@ku.edu, by December 6, 2013.


Dr. Marike Janzen
University of Kansas
Humanities and Western Civilization Program
Bailey Hall
1440 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 308
Lawrence, KS 66045
Email: mjan...@ku.edu


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