
Call for Papers

Theme: The Concept of Progress
Subtitle: An Indigenous Intervention
Type: Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: Indigenous Liberal Studies Department, Institute of
American Indian Arts (IAIA)
Location: Santa Fe, NM (USA)
Date: 13.–15.3.2014
Deadline: 2.12.2013


The Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) Indigenous Liberal
Studies Department is convening an interdisciplinary conference March
13 – 15, 2014, exploring the idea of “Progress.” The Indigenous
Intervention on Progress is being convened to bring forth ideas
related to the Indigenous experience with the concept of “Progress”
in culture, literature, philosophy, history, politics, economics,
film, television, art, music, social theory, business. The concept of
Progress has many applications and responses in the Indigenous world
including assimilation, economic development, education, cultural
change, artistic expression, evolution/devolution, language,
psychology, and more.

An online journal of papers from this conference will be published 
through IAIA.

Please submit a one-page abstract or a panel proposal with abstracts
by December 2, 2013. Organized panels are encouraged. Special
Undergraduate Research sections for papers and panels are available
(please indicate on your proposal/abstract if yours is undergraduate

To submit your proposal or abstract: i...@iaia.edu


Stephen Wall, Chair
Indigenous Liberal Studies
Institute of American Indian Arts
83 Avan Nu Po Road
Santa Fe, NM 87508-1300
Phone: +1 505 424.2376
Fax:   +1 505 424.3030
Email: sw...@iaia.edu


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