
Call for Publications

Theme: Nation and Its Discontents
Publication: Edited Volume
Deadline: 7.1.2014


Contributions are sought for an edited volume titled "Nation and Its 
Discontents" focusing on South Asia. The question concerning how to 
produce and disseminate knowledge on the nation, functioning as both 
an idea and a polity, without dispelling the cultural differences, 
calls for re-conceptualizing spaces, identities, diasporas etc.
beyond western perception of nationhood. The 'nation-state', as often
been argued, is an overtly restrictive projection of a model derived
from western European experience onto the non-West where it may/does
not apply. While acknowledging that the idea of the 'nation' renders 
disjunctive temporalities, and multiple vernacular iterations, this 
volume seeks to understand the politico-cultural stakes in
exportation and reception of the 'foreign' model, and the voices
silenced thereby. Taking cues from Spivaks (1990: 39) point, that
there is no one India(n-ness): the Sanskritic past is too Indic, the
name India mistakenly given by Alexander, Hindustan by Islamic
conquerors, Bharat (as it appears on Indian passports) is reminiscent
of a mythic king, the volume aims to register the voices of
difference and discontent that resist the modalities of nationalist
and homogenizing (mis)conceptualization.

Please send in a 250 words abstract with a short bio-note (both in 
the body of the email) to nation.disconte...@gmail.com by 7 January 
2014. Those selected must be able to send complete article by 30
April 2014.


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