
Call for Papers

Theme: Social Equality
Type: International Conference
Institution: Philosophy Department, University of Cape Town
Location: Cape Town (South Africa)
Date: 15.-17.8.2014
Deadline: 18.2.2014


The Philosophy Department at the University of Cape Town, South
Africa, is hosting a three-day conference on Social Equality. The
conference will take place on 15-17 August 2014.

Confirmed keynote speakers:
Prof Miranda Fricker, University of Sheffield
Prof Charles W. Mills, Northwestern University
Prof Jonathan Wolff, University College London

Many contemporary societies are strikingly unequal, and quickly
becoming more so. In a country like South Africa, much social
inequality is a visible part of daily life. But there are forms of
inequality and disadvantage which, though no less problematic, are
not immediately obvious to the casual observer. It would be naive to
think philosophy on its own could do anything to alleviate
inequality. But it does have a role to play. Philosophy can
articulate the various different forms of social inequality. By
arguing for a particular conception of justice or the good life, it
can show what is wrong with some or all of these forms of inequality.
In addition, political philosophy can demarcate the steps a
government may legitimately take to address inequality and
disadvantage. The philosophical debate about equality has become
increasingly nuanced, concrete and empirically informed in recent
years. We hope this conference will enable its continuation in a
place where the need for an understanding of, and a strategy to
address, inequality is particularly urgent.

We invite abstracts of no more than 200 words on topics including:

- What's so good about equality?
Theorists disagree about whether equality per se should be a
political goal. Of those who think it should, some think equality has
intrinsic value, while others think its value lies in what it enables
or what it expresses. Is equality itself a valuable moral ideal? Or
is it merely a proxy for values such as respect and sufficiency?

- What is equality?
Political philosophers have increasingly seen the limitations of
arguing for equality of wealth or primary social goods alone. Does
reconceiving the fabric of egalitarian justice in terms of
capabilities, recognition, social relationships or central human
functionings provide a fuller picture of the just society?

- Equality and muliculturalism
How can theorists of justice cope with the fact that conceptions of
the human good may vary considerably across society-members? What is
an adequate way of measuring levels of inequality in a multicultural

- How should equality be achieved?
Assuming societies should aim for equality, can philosophy tell us
anything about the best ways to achieve it? What are the limits on
permissible government intervention to achieve equality? Is
affirmative action in recruitment and admissions justified to advance
a currently disadvantaged group?

Researchers (including postgraduate students) who would like to
present a paper are kindly requested to send an abstract of no more
than 200 words by e-mail to <socialequality...@gmail.com> by
midnight (GMT) on Tuesday 18th February 2014.

(Conference participants will be asked to pay a small registration
fee to cover costs.)


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