
Call for Applications

Type: Postdoctoral Visiting Fellowship in Citizenship, Civil Society
and Rule of Law
Institution: Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and Rule of Law,
University of Aberdeen
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Date: June 2014
Deadline: 14.3.2014


The Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and Rule of Law  
(www.abdn.ac.uk/cisrul) at the University of Aberdeen invites  
applications for a 4-week postdoctoral Visiting Fellowship in June
2014, in the run-up to our Political Community workshop on 24-27
June (http://wp.me/PASsb-45).

The Fellowship will include accommodation and subsistence for up to 4
weeks, as well as travel (up to £750).

We would expect the Fellow to be in residence from 1 June (or soon
after) until the end of the workshop on 27 June (or soon after). The
Fellow would give a seminar paper on a topic of interest to CISRUL
(see website) and then a paper at the 24-27 June Political Community
workshop (see CfP). In addition, we would expect the Fellow to join
CISRUL members for discussion on a regular basis. The Fellow will not
be required to do any teaching.

Please send the following to langlit.sch...@abdn.ac.uk:

1. CV (the applicant should have a PhD in hand)
2. 200-400 word abstract for the June workshop (http://wp.me/PASsb-45)
3. 200-400 word abstract of a seminar paper that you could offer to
   CISRUL while in residence.
4. One published or unpublished article or chapter on a relevant
   topic (maximum 9000 words).

In your email, please indicate whether you would like to be
considered for the 24-27 June workshop only, in the event that your
Fellowship application is not successful. Funding is available (see
http://wp.me/PASsb-45). Those who have already submitted abstracts
for the workshop are welcome to apply for the Fellowship.

Deadline: 14 March 2014

CISRUL is also keen to host at any time postdoctoral fellows with
their own funding. For example, we would be happy to support
outstanding applicants from outside the UK for a Newton Fellowship  
(http://www.newtonfellowships.org) or for a Marie Curie


Trevor Stack, Director
Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and Rule of Law (CISRUL)
University of Aberdeen
Taylor Building A13
Aberdeen, AB24 3UB
United Kingdom
Email: langlit.sch...@abdn.ac.uk
Web: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/cisrul


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