
Call for Papers

Theme: Migration, Borderlands and Development
Type: International Conference
Institution: Institute of Ethnic Studies (INR), Yunnan University
   Interculturalism, Migration and Minorities Research Centre
(IMMRC), Catholic University Leuven
   International Metropolis Project
Location: Kunming, Yunnan (China)
Date: 17.–18.4.2014
Deadline: 2.4.2014


Aims and objectives

We are seeking critical and creative contributions focusing on the 
topics of migration, borderlands and development from a wide range of 
disciplines in social sciences and humanities. Within the migration/
mobility contexts, borderlands and development are central
interrelated concepts. Borderlands refer to both physical as well as
imagined places. Borderlands emerge with border crossings by
voluntary migrants in search of a better life.

Contrarily, its emergence might also be the unplanned outcome of 
political and economic crisis, securitization of borders, and 
restrictive migration and integration policies of nation states and 
changing into a temporary in-between buffer zone. Moreover, as
imaginary places borderlands refer to the creative and political
responses of people who are positioned in the margins of
well-established majorities, and therefore in search of recognition.
Therefore, an understanding of borderlands must incorporate a link
between the emergence, flexibility, and changeability of borders and
boundaries (constituting the borderlands), the mechanisms of
maintenance and change, and processes of resistance, hybridization,
and creativity. It must equally incorporate the variety of linkages
between space, body, and objects. The nexus development and
borderlands can lead to both human and regional development in both
material and nonmaterial forms as a result of border crossings and
borderland dynamics. These might lead to increased marginalization,
but under particular circumstances it might also lead to new economic
opportunities, such as transnational investments, transnational
entrepreneurship, niche developments, etc. Such developmental
dynamics evidently impact the well-being or the lack thereof of

The conference will address these issues, but will also interrogate 
local, regional and national policy interventions. Which policies at 
whatever side of the border, help foster the proliferation of
economic opportunities? How do local, regional and national
authorities channel transborder mobilities? What ethnic and national
diversities are at play in these borderlands and which policies
contributes to the creation of a 'diversity dividend' of sorts?

Participation and Registration

People interested in presenting a paper are invited to prepare an 
abstract of no more than 100 words including a firm title and send it 
no later than April 2, 2014 to Dr. Liu Yongqing, <wdl...@126.com>. 
INR will return a letter of invitation; international participants
will need such a letter for their visa application. Registration
costs are 800 CNY (that is approx. 100 euro), to be paid on site.
Participation includes lunches and dinner parties and an excursion to
the Stone Forest. Kunming has an international airport and can be
reached by various airlines. Hotel accommodation is available.

INR will provide free room in the Kunming Green Lake View Hotel 
for participants who are member of IMMRC or the International
Steering Committee of the International Metropolis Project. It would
be possible that you need to share a two bed room with another

Other participant are welcome to book accommodation on their own

Kunming Green Lake View Hotel *** Approx 60 euro/ per night
222 Renmin Middle Road, Wuhua, Kunming, Yunnan, China, 650031
+86 8716116666

Green Lake Hotel ***** Approx. 120 euro per night.
6 Cuihu South Road, Wuhua, Kunming, Yunnan, China

Home Inn  Approx. 30 euro per night.
152 Cuihu South Road, Wuhua, Kunming, Yunnan, China
+86 8715335588

Institute of Ethnic Studies (INR)
Yunnan University
NO 2 North Green Lake Road
Kunming, Yunnan 650091

Further information about registration fees, the venue, and 
logistics will be provided on the ABRN website once the panels have
been accepted.

- Prof. He Ming, Yunnan University, PR China
- Prof. Ching Lin Pang, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Prof. Jan Rath, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Dr. Liu Yongqing, Yunnan University, PR China

Further information:
INR: http://www.xbzx.ynu.edu.cn
IMMRC: http://soc.kuleuven.be/web/home/3/7/eng
International Metropolis: http://www.metropoliseurope.org


Dr. Liu Yongqing
Institute of Ethnic Studies (INR)
Yunnan University
NO 2 North Green Lake Road
Kunming, Yunnan 650091
Email: wdl...@126.com

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