
Call for Publications

Theme: Remembering Stuart Hall
Subtitle: Trajectories and Permutations
Publication: Culture in Conversation. A Monthly Critical Media and
Cultural Studies Round Table
Deadline: 15.4.2014


The recent passing of Stuart Hall has occasioned reflections and
remembrances across academe. Casting a long shadow across the world
of Cultural Studies, Hall’s personality and gracious spirit have been
excellently catalogued and eulogized in the pages of sundry other
publications. In the collaborative spirit that underlies our project,
Culture in Conversation instead offers scholars and researchers a
space to converse and compare their intellectual trajectories,
excavating the traces and deep marks bearing Stuart Hall’s influence.

We are not asking for fully crafted essays or research studies.
Instead, we seek the kind of open engagement engendered by scholarly

Specifically, we seek conversations and contributions that are
reflexive in scope, yet also point the way to new possibilities.
Using Hall’s texts, concepts, methods, or practices as an originating
point, we seek contributors interested in revealing to others how
they’ve made his work useful in their own lines of inquiry. We seek
conversations and contributions that retread and capture intellectual
cartographies, leaving maps for those who may come later. We offer
the following suggestions as a starting point, and welcome other,
overlooked topics.

- The possibility of contemporary conjectural analysis
- “Encoding/decoding” in a digital world
- The Atlantic-sized gulf between British and American Cultural
- Continued negotiations of identity
- The evolving politics of image and representation
- Doing things with Marx and Gramsci no one has seen before
- Deconstructing the contemporary popular
- The ever-widening circuit of culture
- The legacy of Policing the Crisis
- Contesting the politics to come

Interested individuals should consult our style guidelines and
familiarize themselves with prior conversations, all published on the
site: http://cultureinconversation.wordpress.com/calls/

Deadline April 15, 2014.
Submissions may be e-mailed to: cultureinconversat...@gmail.com


Culture in Conversation
c/o Brian Creech
Department of Journalism
Temple University
Annenberg Hall, Room 316
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Phone: +1 215 204-1617
Email: cultureincoversat...@gmail.com
Web: http://cultureinconversation.wordpress.com/calls/


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