
Call for Papers

Theme: Development
Subtitle: What Now?
Type: 4th International Postgraduate Conference
Institution: Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong
Polytechnic University
Location: Hong Kong (China)
Date: 9.–11.10.2014
Deadline: 30.6.2014


In 2015 the Millennium Development agenda which was set up more than
a decade ago will come to an end. Nevertheless, many countries will
need more years and better focused policies to fully achieve the
eight established goals. Importantly, while in 2000 the main concern
was to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal
primary education, promote gender equality and improve health,
today’s challenges appear more complex. People demand more than just
having a meal or meeting basic needs. The Arab spring, the riots in
Ukraine, the mass protests in the European Union, in Thailand, South
America, South Africa, and the weekly rallies and protests in Hong
Kong, are clear signs of people wanting to have democracy, security,
peace, good governance, rule of law, equality, human rights and
freedom of speech in place rather than rhetoric. All these have
suggested it is time to re-examine, rethink and reconfigure what
development means in an age of post-globalised rapid economic growth
and affluence. 

In 1969, Lester B. Pearson affirmed that "the widening gap between
the developed and developing countries has become a central issue of
our time" (p. 3). Ironically, the same statement remains both
relevant and urgent not only for emerging but also for affluent
economies as social inequalities have become more visible. In China,
for example, the benefits of double-digit economic growth have been
enjoyed mostly only by a small part of the population. Likewise, the
break-neck rapid economic expansion of India and China and their
consumptions of energy and natural resources have raised some serious
environmental concerns. This also means that the development agenda
has been changed. 

For one thing, the Western powers as aid donors have been challenged
by the rise of China, particularly in their ways of delivering aids
to many African countries. Moreover, China’s new agenda of aid-giving
emphasizing sovereignty, respect and partnership has rewritten many
rules governing the aid industry. Yet the Chinese model has prompted
criticism for its sole economic focus without any consideration for
instituting and strengthening democracy, especially when their
development experiences are compared with Taiwan, South Korea and
Japan; where democracy has been incorporated as part and parcel with
development. Certainly the Millennium Development Agenda has brought
positive steps towards poverty reduction with more than 1 billion
people taken out of extreme poverty since its implementation.
However, new challenges have arisen. A series of financial crises and
subsequent unemployment, which has plagued the European Union, have
also brought a further decline of the welfare state in many Western
countries. However, being poor in Europe is different from being poor
in a developing economy. Many skilled Europeans are now moving to
developing countries to seek skilled and well-remunerated work
opportunities, creating a different flow of population movement with
many of its impacts on these countries unexamined. 

Meanwhile, while sustainable development and local empowerment have
been seen as key to a successful development agenda, in reality
minority and vulnerable groups, ranging from people with disability,
LGBT, of different religious and linguistic backgrounds, and
stateless people, have been deprived of their rights and freedom.
Increasing frequencies of natural disasters brought forward by
extreme climate change have also caused displacement, impoverishment
and loss of lives of hundreds of thousands everywhere, covering the
Philippines, Haiti, China, the US, the UK, Indonesia, Japan and
Pakistan. In short, after another decade of development effort, the
question remains: What now? 

It is in these contexts that the conference will explore the
following themes and questions: 

- Where is development heading to? What are we looking for?
- What are the aims of development in this ever-changing world?  
- How are the new ideas emerging and what can people do to influence
- What are the strategies for formulating an effective development
- What are the alternatives models for development?
- What are the roles for international organisations, nation-states,
  local governments and private individuals in development?
- What can be done to plan and address climate change and help people
  to prepare for natural disasters? 

In addressing these questions, the conference will organize a number
of panels covering the following themes: 

1) Goals of development
2) Strategies of development
3) Diversity in development
4) Development and risks
5) Politics of development
6) Roles of key players in development

Abstracts due by 30 June 2014.

See guidelines for details:

The International Postgraduate Conference is an annual event
organized by the research students at the Department of Applied
Social Sciences at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Cristian Talesco & Sai Kit Ng
Department of Applied Social Sciences
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2766-5773
Fax: +852 2772-6558
Email: pgconference.a...@polyu.edu.hk
Web: http://myweb.polyu.edu.hk/~apsspgc/


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