
Call for Applications

Theme: Perspectives on the Arab Uprisings
Subtitle: Democracy, Conflict and Protest
Type: Intensive Summer School
Institution: Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NFIC),
University of Leiden
Location: Cairo (Egypt)
Date: 18.–26.8.2014
Deadline: 31.5.2014


We are very pleased and excited to inform you of the intensive summer
school on "Perspectives on the Arab Uprisings: Democracy, Conflict
and Protest" in Cairo at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute from 18
until 26 August 2014.  

The Summer School includes lectures and seminars in both the mornings
and afternoons, which will be moderated by academic experts from the
MENA region and Europe. The topics discussed include: regional and
international dimensions, the security state, civil war and conflict,
Islamism and ideologies, political party formation, elections and
voting behaviour, socio-economic problems, transitional justice,
youth activism, labour organisations and women’s rights. In addition
to these seminars, we will also organize roundtable sessions – where
a range of professional and academic experts will speak on topics
such as the regional geopolitical context, street politics and
representative democracy.

This summer school provides an exciting learning opportunity that
brings together professionals, students and academics, who will
discuss the most salient problems facing countries in the Middle East
and what possible (post)authoritarian avenues are open to the region.


The fees for international students are 425 Euro, which covers all
lectures and seminars, extra-curricular activities such as expert
roundtables, coffee and tea. Accommodation and lunch are not
included. We will provide participants with a list of affordable
housing opportunities in the vicinity of the NVIC building where all
seminars will be held.

The fee for Egyptian citizen-residents is 850 Egyptian pounds.


All students will receive a certificate of attendance on the
condition that they have participated in all the classes, taken part
in a successful group presentation, and undertaken the ascribed
course-preparation prior to class. In addition, for those students
seeking credits, the course is valued at 5 ECTS. Students wishing to
receive such credits should enquire with the exam board of their home
university. For accreditation and inclusion of the course in one’s
grade-lists is at the sole discretion of these boards. Students
wishing to receive such credits are required to submit a Critical
Review (2000 words) and an written essay (2500 words) in addition to
the presentation, and course preparation they must undertake.

The academic scholars

Dr Vivienne Matthies-Boon (VMB) – University of Amsterdam
Dr Andre Krouwel (AK) – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Dr Mazen Hassan (MH) – Cairo University
Dr Hisham Wahby (HW) – British University of Egypt
Dr Mustapha Kamel Al Sayid (MKS) – American University of Cairo/Cairo
University Dr Hagag Ali (HA) – Cairo University


Please see the website for the draft schedule:
Please note that this programme is indicative only, and may be
subject to further changes. Please also note that this intensive
course can only take place provided that travel advice allows this.

Classes include themes such as regional perspectives, the security 
state, trauma and emotions, Islamist thought and practice,
alternative thought and practice, democracy and transitional justice,
gender, youth movements and media narratives.


You should register your interest for the Summer School by sending
your application to i...@nvic.leidenuniv.nl. This application should
consist of a curriculum vitae, letter of motivation and an overview
of your grades. The deadline for application is 31 May 2014.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at our Cairo Summer School!

Website of the Summer School:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:



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