
Call for Papers

Theme: Intersectionality
Subtitle: A Space for Theoretical and Practitioner Discussion
Type: International Conference
Institution: Race in the Americas Group (RITA)
   University of Sussex
Location: Brighton (United Kingdom)
Date: 21.–22.11.2014
Deadline: 30.6.2014


The Race in the Americas (RITA) group presents a two-day conference
bringing together academics, activists and practitioners who share a
concern for and interest in intersectionality. The event will include:

- Academic presentations on the theme of intersectionality
- Activist and practitioner presentations on how and why
  intersectionality features in their work
- A roundtable discussion involving academics, activists and
  practitioners fleshing out a comparison between the
  intersectionality which is theorised in academia and the
  intersectionality which guides activists and practitioners in the

We invite proposals from academics, practitioners, those who identify
their work to be intersectional in focus and application,
undergraduate and postgraduate students across disciplines, as well
as activists, public policy theorists and members of civil society
organisations to submit proposals that focus on, or include, the
theme of ‘intersectionality’.  

Please send proposals of 250–300 words for a 20-minute presentation
along with a brief biography to i...@raceintheamericas.com by Monday
30th June, 2014.
For further information please go to:


James Owen Heath
Race in the Americas (RITA)
131 Upper Marshall Street
Birmingham, B1 1LJ
United Kingdom
Email: info@raceintheamericas
Web: http://www.raceintheamericas.com


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