
Conference Announcement

Theme: Global Economic Justice
Type: Justitia Amplificata Conference
Institution: Justitia Amplificata Centre for Advanced Studies,
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
   Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften Bad Homburg
Location: Bad Homburg (Germany)
Date: 10.–11.7.2014


The global and transnational justice debate has started to move beyond
theoretical ground clearing and toward evaluating specific
transnational institutions, international agreements and global
practices. This conference seeks to contribute to this difficult task
by considering practical questions of global and trans-national
economic justice.

The conference will concentrate on normative assessments of global,
transnational and international practices that impact production,
consumption, the division of labour, productivity and the
distribution of income and wealth, as well as control over these
factors. We will structure the conference around three panels.  The
panels are listed below along with examples of possible topics.  The
examples are non-exhaustive: we are keen to receive papers on any
aspect of the three central themes.

Global Finance:
- Questions of justice and fairness in international debt repayment,
  cancelation and conditionality, including issues concerning foreign
  funded bail-outs and the justice of relations between those bailed
  out and those financing the bail-out.
- The significance of the free movement of capital and its effect on
  the abilities of states to determine social policy.

Trade Justice:
- Questions about transnational trade, including normative
  assessments of Free Trade Agreements, investor protection and the
  enforcement of such agreements.
- Normative assessments of the use of economic sanctions and
  embargoes, including the conditions in which such measures may
  legitimately be used.

Labour and Economic Rights:
- Should basic economic rights and freedom be considered Human
- Do labour conditions in poorer states violate basic rights?
- Who is responsible for the injustice of poor and dangerous
  working conditions?

Confirmed speakers: Mathias Risse, Robert Howse, Miriam Ronzoni,
Seumas Miller, Catherine Lu, Nicole Hassoun, Jiewuh Song, Bas van der
Vossen, Peter Dietsch, Elizabeth Kahn and Gabriel Wollner.

Justitia Amplificata ("Rethinking Justice - Applied and Global") is a
Centre for Advanced Studies (Kolleg-Forschergruppe) at the
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, funded by the German
Research Foundation (DFG).

Conference Organisers:
Elizabeth Kahn, Jahel Queralt Lange, Jiewuh Song

Stefan Gosepath and Rainer Forst

To register contact:
Valérie Bignon: big...@em.uni-frankfurt.de


Valérie Bignon
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Campus Westend – PEG Gebäude
Hauspostfach 12
Grüneburgplatz 1
D-60323 Frankfurt am Main
Email: big...@em.uni-frankfurt.de


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