
Call for Publications

Theme: Transnational Lives
Publication: disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory
Date: Vol. 25 (Spring 2016)
Deadline: 15.12.2015


The editorial collective of disClosure seeks submissions that explore
Transnational Lives as they are understood in a variety of areas and
disciplines, including (but not limited to) Sociology; Gender and
Women’s Studies; History; Philosophy; Anthropology; Political
Science; Hispanic Studies; Communications; Theories of
Transnationality, Hybridity and Bifocality; and Literature
(particularly analyses dealing with border studies, immigration, or
transnational lives). Possible topics might include:

- Migration 
- Transnational 
- Translocality 
- Bifocality
- Intersectionality
- Globalization 
- Immigration (all forms) 
- Border studies 
- Hybridity 
- Mestizaje  
- Cosmopolitanism 
- International gender relations  
- International affairs
- Ethnography 
- Belonging/inclusion/exclusion  
- Home

​disClosure is a blind refereed journal produced in conjunction with
the Committee on Social Theory at the University of Kentucky. We
welcome submissions from all theoretical perspectives and genres
(scholarly articles, essays, interviews, reviews, short fiction,
poetry, artwork) and from authors and artists (academically
affiliated or not) concerned with social theory. The 25th volume will
include interviews with Nina Glick Schiller, Otto Santa Ana, Floya
Anthias, and William Nericcio.

Submission Information

Scholarly Articles, Essays, Poetry, and Fiction: Please submit
electronically, in PDF or Word format, to
http://uknowledge.uky.edu/disclosure. Submissions should be
double-­‐spaced with no more than 10,000 words. Manuscripts, notes,
and bibliographies should follow Chicago format, where applicable.

Book Reviews: Please submit electronically in PDF or Word format to
http://uknowledge.uky.edu/disclosure. These should be approximately
1,000 words and should review works published no earlier than 2013.

Art and Digital Media: Artists should submit material as
high-‐quality .jpgs to http://uknowledge.uky.edu/disclosure.

Authors are responsible for securing copyright and fair­‐use notices
and must submit them prior to disClosure publication. All material
accepted by disclosure for publication becomes property of the
journal. disClosure is not responsible for loss or damage resulting
from submission.


Cate Gooch and Ashley Ruderman, Editors
disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory
Email: disclosurejour...@gmail.com
Web: http://uknowledge.uky.edu/disclosure


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