
Call for Papers

Theme: Thinking Across the Borders
Subtitle: Philosophy and China
Type: Inaugural Biennial Conference
Institution: European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP)
   Centre of Oriental Studies, Vilnius University
Location: Vilnius (Lithuania)
Date: 9.–11.6.2016
Deadline: 10.1.2016


China-related topics are becoming more widespread in philosophical
research around the world, thus making philosophy – still largely
dominated by Western traditions – less parochial and more
encompassing in its undertakings. However, there is still a quite
noticeable separation between English-speaking and Chinese-speaking
academic communities, not only due to language barriers, but also due
to differences in academic approaches, styles and modes of thought.
Moreover, the so-called Western scholarship on Chinese philosophy is
not exhausted by the English language publications, as a considerable
part of European scholarship is conducted in national languages and
remains less accessible to the wider audiences outside of the given
linguistic environment.

Looking from a different perspective, Chinese intellectual tradition
is still too often seen as being relevant only to political and
ethical considerations. However, the early Chinese thinkers seem to
be very thoughtful on various topics that are now of great interest
to scholars in cognitive sciences, environmental studies, healthcare,
and others.

The purpose of this conference is to provide an academic framework
and to invite scholars to think across the various real and imagined
borders: philosophical, cultural, national, disciplinary, academic.
We hope to facilitate both the critical reexamination of the existing
trends where philosophy gets in touch with China and China gets in
touch with philosophy. A further goal is to open up innovative
methodological approaches and new possible research directions in the


The Centre of Oriental Studies at Vilnius University and European
Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP) invites scholars with
interest in problems concerning Chinese philosophy and philosophy in
China to submit proposals for individual papers or panels, or to
register as non-presenters at the Inaugural Biennial Conference of
EACP “Thinking Across the Borders: Philosophy and China”, which will
be held June 9-11, 2016 at Vilnius University, Lithuania.

- Individual paper and panel proposals for the conference should be
  submitted by January 10, 2016.
- Student paper abstracts for Young Scholar Award should be submitted
  by January 10, 2016.

Participants are invited to submit their proposals (individual papers
and panels) in an online form: http://www.eacp2016.oc.vu.lt
Panel proposals should contain all the abstracts of individual papers
in the given panel.

Academic areas:
Both philosophy and Chinese civilization offer wide horizons for
those who attempt to understand human condition in its universal, and
also in its various particular modes. Thus, a broad range of thematic
areas are expected to contribute to the goals of the conference:

- History of Chinese Thought
- Philosophy in China vs. Chinese Philosophy
- Methodological Challenges in Chinese and Comparative Philosophy
- Chinese Schools of Thought (rujia, daojia, mojia, fajia, etc.) in
  Contemporary China
- Chinese Buddhism: Past and Present
- Chinese Appropriation of Western Philosophy
- Western Appropriation of Chinese Philosophy
- Logic and Argument in China
- Aesthetical, Ethical, Religious Traditions in China 
- Contemporary Philosophy in Chinese-speaking Academia
- Chinese Traditional Systems of Knowledge (divination, medicine,
  astrology, etc.)
- Political philosophy and Chinese World of Thought
- Philosophical Anthropology and Chinese World of Thought
- Philosophy of Psychology and Chinese World of Thought
- Interdisciplinary Research and Chinese Philosophy
- Chinese Philosophy as Practice
- Challenges of the Contemporary World and Chinese Philosophy
- Problems of Translation and Chinese Intellectual Tradition

Language of Communication:
English and Mandarin Chinese

Young Scholar Award

The conference also attempts to encourage young scholars (MA holders
and PhD candidates) and to facilitate their investigations in areas
related to Chinese philosophy and/or philosophy in China. This goal
is to be met by the early integration of young scholars into the
professional community. For this purpose, the Young Scholar Award is
organized and one special panel is planned at the EACP conference to
offer a platform and a balanced academic feedback for the youngest
generation of researchers in the field of Chinese philosophy. For
more information on the format and requirements of the Young Scholar
Award, see: http://www.eacp2016.oc.vu.lt

Keynote Speakers

Confirmed keynote speakers so far include:
- Prof. Carine DEFOORT, KU Leuven
- Prof. PENG Guoxiang, Zhejiang University

Conference Fee

Conference fee for EACP members is 50 EUR for scholars and 10 EUR for
student presenters.

Non-member fee is 80 EUR for scholars and 25 EUR for student
presenters. Conference fee will be higher, when paid on site.

Information and payment details for EACP membership can be found:

For any questions or clarifications about the conference or the Young
Scholar Award please contact the organizers of the conference at
eacp2...@oc.vu.lt, or the chair of the organizing committee Dr. Vytis
SILIUS, at vytis.sil...@oc.vu.lt.

Conference website:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:



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