
Call for Papers

Theme: Adjudicating International Trade and Investment Disputes
Subtitle: Between Interaction and Isolation
Type: PluriCourts Conference
Institution: Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the
Judiciary in the Global Order, University of Oslo
Location: Oslo (Norway)
Date: 25.–26.8.2016
Deadline: 1.3.2016


The PluriCourts Centre of Excellence at the University of Oslo is
organizing a conference titled ‘Adjudicating international trade and
investment disputes: between interaction and isolation.’ The
conference will be hosted at the Faculty of Law of the University of
Oslo on Thursday and Friday 25-26 August 2016. Submission procedures
and timelines are detailed at the end of this call.

This conference aims to focus on the relationship, interactions and
comparisons between the international trade and investment regimes in
the context of adjudication of disputes. The conference will welcome
research across the disciplines of law, political science, and
philosophy relating to three themes: the new mega-regionals,
comparisons and practices, and cross-fertilization and learning.

Historically, the global regulation of international trade and
investment relations have been closely interrelated; but in the
post-war period, international trade law and international investment
law developed on largely divergent paths. While international trade
regulation has culminated in a multilateral regime with a permanent
dispute settlement mechanism, the international regulation of foreign
direct investment is primarily governed by 3500 essentially bilateral
treaty relationships calling for ad hoc investor – state arbitration
potentially to be hosted by a variety of international institutions.
Despite these seemingly distinct structures, there is a recent trend
that some say signal a move towards regime convergence: most clearly
seen in the rise of mega-regional free trade agreements (FTAs) with
investment chapters.

This potential convergence may be deceiving, however. The investment
chapters of FTAs remain separate from the rest of the agreements and
provide for distinct rules and procedures on dispute settlement.
Moreover, issues of overlap between trade chapters and investment
chapters have not been resolved, which means that the same case could
possibly be raised simultaneously in two separate disputes under the
same FTA. Legal disputes based on investment chapters in FTAs to date
(ie under the NAFTA and DR-CAFTA) appear to interpret the investment
protection chapters as standalone agreements with little or no
reference to other sections of the FTAs.

Despite the limitations to integration that this new generation of
trade and investment agreements may represent, there are other areas
of interaction between the trade and investment regimes that could
provide better evidence of a gradual move towards cohesion. This
conference aims to look at the development of the new mega-regionals,
but also the ways (or lack thereof) that the trade and investment
regimes share practices and cross-fertilize.

Theme 1: The new mega-regionals

The first theme will focus on research relating to the increasing
negotiation of mega-regional FTAs with investment chapters and what
effects these agreements will or could have on the adjudication of
international trade and investment disputes. The conference will seek
to discuss state-of-the-art research, from both legal and social
science perspectives, relating to the dispute settlement options
under FTAs, including existing (inter alia NAFTA, ECT, ASEAN,
DR-CAFTA) and emerging (inter alia CETA, TPP, RCEP, TISA, TTIP).
Additionally, and given the EU’s recent preference for FTAs, the
conference will also seek research on how the EU’s post-Lisbon trade
and investment policy may have spill-over effects for the global
trade and investment regimes. Papers under this theme could address
the following:

- Analysis of the TPP, TTIP drafts and other recently signed FTAs:
  how will disputes be resolved?
- The relationship between the WTO agreements and FTA provisions:
  potential conflicts or cohesion in the adjudication of disputes?
- What relevance will the shift towards mega-regionals have for the
  legitimacy of international adjudication?
- Recent investment arbitration jurisprudence under FTAs with
  investment chapters: new developments?
- The proposal for a TTIP investment court: a dispute settlement
  mechanism for investment protection modelled on the WTO?
- The EU strategy for extra-EU BITs after Lisbon: A potential move
  towards multilateralization?

Theme 2: Comparisons and practices

The second theme of the conference will invite research focusing on
comparisons between the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and
investment treaty arbitrations tribunals; and research that focuses
on the practices of WTO disputes and investment tribunals. The
conference will also seek research relating to the distinct practices
and structures of international trade and investment disputes may
affect both their normative and sociological legitimacy. There are
significant structural differences between WTO dispute resolution and
investment treaty arbitration. Despite these differences, there are
some similarities in the subject matter (global economic governance)
that make these systems of international dispute settlement worthy of
comparison. Papers under this theme could address the following:

- Are there important? Salient? differences in the appointment and
  selection of adjudicators in investment arbitration and WTO panels?
- Comparative approaches in managing legitimacy: how do arbitrators,
  judges and institutions in trade and investment adjudication
  legitimize themselves?
- Public opinion and the anti-globalization movement: a valid
  constraint on the development of trade and investment adjudication?
- What are the roles and influences of institutional secretariats in
  the adjudication of trade and investment disputes?
- Litigating trade and investment disputes: what is the role of legal
  counsel in regime shaping and targeting?
- How have the trade and investment regimes comparatively dealt with
  issues of systemic interpretation and the inclusion of extra-sector
  concerns such as human rights and the environment?
- The possibilities for multilaterizing investment treaty law: are
  there lessons to be learned from the WTO?

Theme 3: Cross-fertilization and learning

The third theme will focus on the interaction between the
international trade and investment regimes in the context of
adjudication. The conference seeks research on how the interaction
(or lack thereof) between WTO disputes, FTA trade disputes,
investment treaty arbitration and other areas of international law
affects the legitimacy and efficacy of international economic
governance. The conference will seek both social science and legal
research focusing on issues of judicial dialogue between trade and
investment tribunals; and how cross-fertilization of ideas and
practices between tribunals affects the development of the
jurisprudence and the legitimacy of these institutions. Papers under
this theme could address the following:

- Issues relating to overlapping jurisdiction: increasing
  fragmentation or opportunities for coherence?
- Is there judicial dialogue and cross-fertilization between trade
  and investment tribunals?
- Are there differences or similarities in how trade and investment
  tribunals deal with issues of legal interpretation and with the
  precedential value of previous awards?
- Treaty shopping issues in trade and investment disputes: is it
  actually a problem?
- The relationship between investment chapters and other chapters in
  FTAs: investment chapters as stand-alone agreements?
- What are the implications of the overlap between the trade in
  services and investment protection regimes?

Submission procedure

We invite researchers from the disciplines of law, political science
and philosophy to submit abstracts of no more than 500 words along
with a CV of no more than two pages to Dr. Daniel Behn
<d.f.b...@jus.uio.no> by 1 March 2016. Please indicate in the subject
line of the email as to which Theme your abstract corresponds.
Selection of papers will be based on abstracts as assessed through a
blind process of a five person committee. Notification of successful
applicants will be made by 15 March 2016. We will aim to select
approximately 15 papers for presentation. Selected applicants will be
required to submit a draft paper of 5000 to 7000 words two weeks
prior to the conference. Travel funding may be available to paper
presenters. Please indicate in the application your needs for funding.

Abstracts due:
1 March 2016

Notifications of acceptance:
15 March 2016

Draft papers due:
15 August 2016

Conference website:


Dr Daniel Friedrich Behn
PluriCourts Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the
Judiciary in the Global Order
University of Oslo
Postboks 6706
St. Olavs plass
N-0130 Orlo
Email: d.f.b...@jus.uio.no


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