
Call for Papers

Theme: Utopias and Justice
Type: Yaoundé PhD Seminar
Institution: Centre d'études et de recherches sur la justice sociale
et politique, Université Catholique d'Afrique Centrale
   Chaire d'éthique économique et sociale, Université catholique de
Location: Yaoundé (Cameroon)
Date: 22.–28.8.2016
Deadline: 15.3.2016


We are delighted to invite graduate students to apply to the 2016
edition of the Yaoundé PhD seminar, which will take place on 22-28 of
August in Yaoundé. The topic this year will be ‘Utopias and Justice’.
We will be accepting abstracts of no more than 500 words and the
deadline for submission is the 15th of March 2016.

The Yaoundé PhD Seminar is an international and interdisciplinary
conference that has been in place since 2012. The yearly event is
jointly organized by the Hoover Chair of Economics and Social Ethics
in Louvain la Neuve (Belgium) and the Centre d'études et de
recherches sur la justice sociale et politique of the Catholic
University of Central Africa in Yaoundé. The aim of the conference is
to create long-lasting relationships between academics from Africa
and academics from elsewhere. The seminar usually runs over a full
week with 4/5 days of academic activities and 2/3 days of turistic
visit. To read about previous years, see:

This year, the Université Catholique de Louvain is celebrating the
500 years of the publication of Thomas More's Utopia and we are happy
to contribute to this celebration by organizing an event on the broad
and fascinating topic of Utopias The organizing committee will
consider applications from PhD students – half from African
Universities (max. 12) and the other half from non-African
universities (max. 12). Applicants will be selected according to
their research project on aspects related to the topic ‘Utopias and
Justice’. We welcome applications from students in Philosophy, Law,
Theology, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Political Science,
History, Human Rights, etc. Students finishing their Master degree
and willing to start a PhD will be considered if they wish to audit
the seminar and should email us their cv.

We are open to any approach and angle to the topic of Utopias. But
you will find in the list below some topics that would be a welcome
addition to the discussions.

- The history of utopias: Which utopias have inspired our world? What
is out dated, or on the contrary timeless, in the utopias of Thomas
More, utopian socialist Charles Fourier and others?

- The force of utopias: A theory is often described as utopian to
denigrate it. What should we think of the prospects and merits of
utopian theories? What can utopian and dystopian theorists hope to

- Plural utopias: Which insights are shared by socialist, feminist,
postcolonial, green, religious and liberal utopias? On which aspects
do they part ways? Which other kinds of utopias do we lack?

- Ideal Theories and Utopias: What are the methodological
similarities and differences between utopian theories and ideal
theories? What makes one or the other more suitable to inspiring and
informing politics?

- Utopian experiments: What can we learn from “utopian experiments”,
socialist settlements and communes? What role can utopian
experimenters have in the struggle for social justice?

- African utopias: Which utopias and dystopias can be found in the
African continent, either in traditional cultures, in
anti-colonialist and pan-African movements, or in postcolonial
thinking and literature?

Applications are expected by the 15th of March 2016 in French or
English. All application should be sent simultaneously to Juliana
Bidadanure (juliana.bidadan...@gmail.com) and Thierry Ngosso
(ngossothie...@yahoo.fr) and must include:
1. An abstract of your planned contribution of no more than 500 words
   or a discussion of 500 words of how your PhD thesis topic fits
   within the theme of the conference.
2. Your CV. Successful applicants will be notified by the 31st of
   March at the latest.

Once in Cameroon, your accommodation, transportation and catering
will be fully covered by the organizing committee.

Keynote Speakers:
Fabien Eboussi Boulaga, Soumaya Mestiri, Ajume Wingo, Holly
Lawford-Smith, Emily McTernan, Martin Booms, Mohamed Gheris.

Organizing Comittee:
Juliana Bidadanure, Stanford University, USA
Thierry Ngosso, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland and Catholic
University of Central Africa, Cameroon

Scientific Comittee:
Ernest-Marie Mbonda, Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale,
Cameroon and University of Moncton, Canada
Axel Gosseries, Université Catholique de Louvain


Juliana Bidadanure
Center for Ethics in Society
Stanford Law School
Stanford University
Crown Quadrangle, 3rd floor
Stanford, CA 94305
Email: juliana.bidadan...@gmail.com
Web: https://www.uclouvain.be/en-461390.html


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