
Call for Publications

Theme: Religious Encounter
Publication: Entangled Religions. Interdisciplinary Journal for the
Study of Religious Contact and Transfer


Entangled Religions is an interdisciplinary academic journal,
published online by the Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Dynamics in the
History of Religions between Asia and Europe” as part of the Center
for Religious Studies at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. The journal is
edited by an international board of renowned scholars from the fields
of Religious Studies, History, Sociology, Philosophy, Islamic
studies, Jewish Studies, Buddhist Studies, and Sinology.

Thematically, Entangled Religions deals with encounters between
different religious traditions and processes of transfer in past and
present times. The journal aims at overcoming past disciplinary
cleavages in religious by providing a shared conceptual basis for the
analysis of religious encounter. Inter- and intra-religious processes
initiated by religious encounter are a focal point of research on
religion, enabling researchers from various academic backgrounds to
share their respective research. The broader goal of Entangled
Religions is to enable larger-scale comparisons of individual case
studies. This is done by using analytical concepts that help express
and investigate communalities of seemingly very different case
studies. This makes every case study in Entangled Religions a case of
a larger phenomenon.

Against this backdrop, we welcome papers which address the
overarching theme of religious contact and transfer. This can
include, but is not limited to, case studies on occasions, themes,
modes, conditions, and consequences of contacts between religious
groups and the way religious ideas and practices developed within and
as a result of religious contact.

Papers should use analytical concepts to substantiate their case
studies and enable comparability. Authors are strongly encouraged to
engage with, and present their material in light of, the guiding
concepts of Entangled Religions. (Working Papers discussing the
guiding concepts can be downloaded from our website: Purity, The
Senses, Media, Gender, Dynamics & Stability, Immanence/Transcendence,
Secret & Secrecy). Alternatively, they may introduce other
theoretical concepts that ensure comparability of cases.

Contributions to Entangled Religions can address research questions
such as:

- How have situations of contact between religious groups influenced
  the development of religious thought?
- How can obvious parallels between different religions, such as
  similarities in rituals or in figures of thought, be identified,
  traced in history, and explained? How have rituals and concepts
  travelled from one religion to another?
- How do followers of different religious strands interact, argue,
  and articulate their respective positions in relation to each other?
- How have new religious ideas and practices been integrated into
  existing traditions?
- Where can we trace moments of ruptures in religious traditions, and
  how can such ruptures be explained?
- How have intra-religious conflicts and schisms developed?
- How have religious minorities positioned themselves vis-à-vis
  religious majorities?
- What does the analysis of religious polemics reveal about issues of
  contention between representatives of different religions?
- What do historical manuscripts and artifacts tell us about the
  development of religions and about the role of religious contact and
  transfer in this development?
- How do contemporary new religious groups relate to and draw from
  existing religious traditions, thoughts, and practices?

Entangled Religions does not operate according to pre-established
publication deadlines. Therefore, we offer our authors publication
throughout the year.

For further information about the journal, please visit our website:

For information on format and style, please consult the author

Manuscripts and other editorial correspondence should be sent to:


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