
Call for Publications

Theme: Global Philosophies as a New Horizon for Christian Theology and
Philosophy of Religion
Publication: Open Theology
Date: Topical Issue
Deadline: 31.8.2018


"Open Theology" (http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/opth) invites
submissions for the topical issue "Global Philosophies as a New
Horizon for Christian Theology and Philosophy of Religion", edited by
Russell Re Manning and Sarah Flavel (Bath Spa University, UK),
prepared in collaboration with Bath Spa Colloquium for Global
Philosophy and Religion.


Ever since John Hick famously called for a new ‘Copernican
Revolution’ Christian theologians and philosophers of religion have
paid close attention to the demands of a religious situation
characterised by a diversity of religious beliefs and practices. From
religious pluralism to recent work on transreligious theology the
turn beyond religious provincialism has had numerous constructive
consequences for Christian theology. A similar narrative holds for
the discipline of the philosophy of religion, which is increasingly
characterised by global or pluralist approaches to religion.

In addition, attention is increasingly being paid to an emerging
situation of philosophical diversity. One instance is the development
of the movement of ‘analytic theology,’ which has sought, in its own
terms, to emancipate Christian theology from its alleged captivity to
so-called ‘continental’ styles of philosophy. More importantly,
perhaps, is the increasing recognition of the diversity of
philosophical traditions beyond the Western traditions. The growth of
global, or intercultural, philosophy challenges the endemic
Eurocentrism in philosophy raising awareness of non-Western forms of
thinking as philosophies.

This special issue of Open Theology seeks to explore further the
consequences of this new horizon of diversity for Christian theology
and philosophy of religion. Possible questions include:

- What are the challenges and opportunities for Christian theologians
  and philosophers of religion opened up by an engagement with global,
  or intercultural, philosophy?
- How might alternative, non-Western, philosophical traditions inform
  Christian theological reflection and develop a more truly global
  philosophy of religion?
- To what extent has such intercultural philosophy already been (an
  unacknowledged) part of Christian theology and philosophy of

Authors publishing their articles in the special issue will benefit
- transparent, comprehensive and fast peer review
- efficient route to fast-track publication and full advantage of De
  Gruyter Open’s e-technology,
- free language assistance for authors from non-English speaking

Publication costs should be covered by so called Article Processing
Charges (APC), paid by authors, their affiliated institutions,
funders or sponsors. Authors who would like to apply for discounts or
free publication are asked to discuss it with Managing Editor of the
journal Dr. Katarzyna Tempczyk (katarzyna.tempc...@degruyteropen.com)
before submitting their article.


Submissions are due March 31, 2018. To submit an article for the
special issue of Open Theology, authors are asked to access the
on-line submission system at: http://www.editorialmanager.com/openth/

Please choose as article type: “Topical Issue Article: Christian
Theology and Global Philosophy”.

Before submission the authors should carefully read over the
Instruction for Authors, available at:

All contributions will undergo critical review before being accepted
for publication.

Further questions about this thematic issue can be addressed to
Russell Re Manning at: r.remann...@bathspa.ac.uk

In case of technical or financial questions, please contact journal
Managing Editor Dr. Katarzyna Tempczyk at:


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