
Call for Publications

Theme: Statelessness and Governance
Publication: Edited Volume
Deadline: 30.4.2019


There is increasing recognition of the complexity of contemporary
statelessness and its implications for policy and governance. There
is also growing understanding of statelessness as an indicator of
policy incoherence. Yet there has been limited systematic work about
how the topic of statelessness functions in policy spaces. This book
aims to fill that important gap. This edited volume will explore how
statelessness affects (or is affected by) policy in local, national,
regional, and global structures, as well as how civil society
approaches statelessness within these spaces. It will build on the
discussions in other recent books, including Bloom, Tonkiss, and
Cole’s Understanding Statelessness (Routledge, 2017) and Van Waas and
Khanna’s Solving Statelessness (Wolff, 2017).

Statelessness and Governance will be an interdisciplinary volume.
Proposals are therefore welcomed from scholars in the disciplines of
anthropology, development, economics, geography, law, philosophy,
politics, sociology, and others. We also encourage proposals from
academics, activists, independent researchers, international
organisations, journalists, lawyers, stateless persons, and anyone
with expertise in this area. Contributions will include a diverse
range of geographic locations and perspectives. Chapters might

- How statelessness functions in advocacy or affects
- In what ways stateless persons are affected by a particular set of
- Examples of stateless persons who have affected policy change;
- How statelessness is addressed in national, regional or
  international bodies, or international organisations;
- How statelessness complicates major international and/or regional
  processes and debates, such as those relating to climate change,
  migration, gender, human rights or sustainable development;

Alternatively, chapters may well present issues not listed here.

The book will be published in English, but a limited number of
proposals in French or Spanish (for chapters that will be translated
into English) will be accepted. Authors who want to write a chapter
in a fourth language and have it professionally translated (at their
own cost) may submit the proposal in English with an explanatory
note. The editors can support a small number of stateless persons or
activists who will require writing support (but no funds are
available). Please indicate this need in the proposal document. This
project encourages collaboration, and those hoping to connect with a
collaborator should contact the editors.

Proposals should be submitted no later than 30th April 2019. Please
submit your proposal by email as a single Word document that
includes: the title of the proposed chapter; author’s full name as it
will appear in the author list; abstract of 300-500 words explaining
what the chapter will do and what it will add to the book as a whole;
50-100 word biographical note setting out your expertise in this
area; and full contact information (e-mail, phone number, and postal
address). Please also indicate whether you will attend the World
Conference on Statelessness and Inclusion in The Hague this summer
(this will not affect decisions about chapter proposals). For
proposals, write ‘proposal’ and your surname in the subject line. For
questions, write ‘question’ in the subject line. The account will be
checked weekly.

Authors will receive notice of decisions in June 2019. For accepted
proposals, first drafts (4,000-5,000 words) will be due by the end of
September 2019. Authors will then be required to take part in our
peer review process by reading and commenting on two other draft
chapters during October and November 2019. The aim is to have a full
book manuscript by January 2020. Throughout this time, the editors
will make efforts to facilitate authors meetings, either in person or
via Skype.

Lindsey Kingston and Tendayi Bloom
Email: consideringstatelessn...@gmail.com


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