
Call for Papers

Theme: Beyond Violence
Subtitle: Jainism, Plurality, and World Religions
Type: Virtual International Conference 2022
Institution: Claremont School of Theology and Jain Studies Program,
Florida International University
Location: Online
Date: 18.–19.2.2022
Deadline: 1.1.2022


Claremont School of Theology and Jain Studies Program at Florida
International University are pleased to announce a Virtual
International Conference 2022: "Beyond Violence: Jainism, Plurality,
and World Religions." The conference will take place virtually on
February 18-19, 2022.

You're invited to submit a 250-word abstract for this upcoming
international conference. The committee invites papers from the
fields of theology, philosophy, peace studies, women’s studies,
historical studies, sociology, film and media studies, religious
studies, environmentalism, political science, and any other fields or
disciplines that touch upon (or re-conceptualize) how theories,
traditions, and praxis in Jainism and World Religions address the
issues and challenges related to violence, injustice, and conflict.

Please submit a 250-words abstract that includes name and
institutional affiliation, by January 1, 2022, to:

We will inform the application of their acceptance by mid-January.

Please direct questions to Dr. Venu Mehta (vme...@cst.edu) or to The
Conference Team (jainconferencecst...@gmail.com).


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