
Call for Papers

Theme: Beyond Europe
Subtitle: The Project of Provincializing
Type: Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: Nation and Empire Graduate Working Group, Rutgers
Location: New Brunswick, NJ (USA) – Online
Date: 25.2.2022
Deadline: 15.12.2021


The Nation and Empire Graduate Working Group at Rutgers University
cordially invites paper and panel submissions for the conference
“Beyond Europe: The Project of Provincializing.”

Two decades have passed since the publication of Dipesh Chakrabarty’s
influential Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and
Historical Difference. In it, Chakrabarty insisted that European
imperialism and knowledge production created comprehensive historical
narratives predicated on the universal applicability of Western
political modernity. Recent scholarship has elaborated upon this
critique. Methodologies such as global and new imperial history
challenge the primacy of metropolitan European perspectives. Scholars
of Europe have likewise taken up the torch by rethinking the margins
of “Europe” and “Europeanness.” Moving beyond Britain and France as
the referents for Europe, they have looked to Central and Eastern
Europe to redraw the boundaries of inclusion. Those who study empire
and colonialism have described how Europe was in fact made by its
peripheries, defined by relationships of domination and hierarchies
of difference. Other scholars have sought to provincialize Europe
entirely, exploring how history unfolded outside of Europe not in
delayed or derivative typologies, but as a highly contingent process
deeply shaped by local contexts. In each of these fields, the project
of provincializing has forced scholars to reassess where, how, and by
whom history is made.

This conference engages with the legacy of Chakrabarty’s book, but
also considers how his contributions have been reworked, disputed,
and otherwise reformulated in the last two decades. We ask what the
formulation “Provincializing Europe” means as an intellectual,
methodological, and political project in 2021. We seek to understand
how scholars nuance and deconstruct “Europe” as a historical
category. How have Ireland, Algeria, the Hapsburg Empire, the Soviet
Union, etc. changed how we think about Europe and European history?
We ask how provincializing Europe means writing histories of
non-Europe, including global, south-south, and non-national
histories. Ultimately, we ask for examples of how one might write
history from a perspective that is beyond Europe.

The Nation and Empire Working Group invites scholars across the
humanities to consider these, and other related, questions. We
particularly encourage completed panels, workshops, or roundtables
pertaining to the theme of the conference to apply, and especially
welcome submissions from graduate students. Themes relevant to this
conference include, but are by no means limited to, those that:

- Expand the meanings or boundaries of Europe/Europeanness
- Consider how histories of Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe
  decenter “Europe” by moving past Britain and France
- Evaluate the ways that marginal, local, or peripheral histories
  provincialize Europe
- Demonstrate how methodologies such as global or microhistory can
  provincialize Europe
- Challenge universal narratives and emphasize local
  contexts/developments, such as in histories of capitalism or
- Deconstruct or contest the inevitability of the nation state,
  especially by proposing alternative historical forms/possibilities

Individual paper submission must include an abstract of up to 300
words with a working title, as well as a one-page curriculum vitae
with current contact information. Panel submissions must include (1)
panel title and 100 word summary, (2) each participant’s name, role
(presenter, chair, moderator), institutional affiliation, and contact
information (3) a 300-word abstract for each paper (or summary of
each presenter’s contribution where the session is not structured
around formal individual papers) and (4) a 1-page CV for each

ALL application materials must be sent in a single pdf or Word
document, by December 15, 2021, to:

We are especially pleased to announce that Ananya Chakravarti
(Georgetown University, Department of History) will be our keynote
speaker. Professor Chakravarti works on the intersection of global
and local historical methods in early modern South Asia, colonial
Brazil, and the Portuguese empire, with particular focus on the
history of religion and the history of emotions.

As of this announcement, we are planning a hybrid conference — in
person for those able and willing to present in person, with an
online option for those who would prefer that choice. Please note
that for all in person gatherings at Rutgers, masks are required. Due
to the ongoing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rutgers University
may change their current policy about in person gatherings. In the
event of a policy change by Rutgers, we are prepared to move this
conference fully online. Therefore, though we hope to be in
person/hybrid, and ask that you remain flexible due to the
uncertainties of the pandemic, we are prepared to operate this
conference no matter the external circumstances.

For any more information about this event, contact the coordinator of
this event, Nick Sprenger (PhD Student, Rutgers University-New


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