Hi all,

first, thank you for being active in one of the most important aspects of
machine usability - a WM.

second - I used almost exclusively PWM for the last 6 years for some serious
work & play.

The following are questions generally regarding the ion family of WMs.

I tried running Lyx 1.6 on pwm last week, but some windows like "Find"
appeared only once and were hidden after use. Second invocation of the
once-used window does not work anymore. The same problem was corrected in
the wmii window manager.

After that, I tried ion2 in pwm mode. Lyx works.
I know pwm is obsolete, but pwm2 is not configured to behave "correclty",
according to my pwm experience.

Any idea, how could I reproduce the keyboard shortcuts for ion2 or ion3 to
behave in the same way as the old pwm?

I am just an ordinary user, and don`t want to spend a week studying ion -
lua manual just to change my keyboard config.
I did spent ca. 4 days with the configuration and still cannot achieve whats
expected, maybe somebody could help.

The most important shortcuts I am missing and can not find in the manual
ctrl+shift+M for maximizing/minimizing toggle of an active window
Mod1+Enter for "start resizing/moving window mode, unless Enter is pressed
Mod1+Tab for switching focus to next window  on active desktop
(this did work at the beginning, I changed some option, now it switches to
next window, but if it is a last window on current desktop, it`ll switch to
next window on a next desktop)
Another question:
Alt+F11 will put a window into a fullscreen mode. If the window was on
Desktop 1 before, now it is on Desktop 0.  Is this the default?

Thank you very much for support,
I hope this post does not violate a rule of obsolete software support, as
the questions are more or less general.

Best regards,

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