> Without addressing most of your points, I think you're (plural if
> necessary) overlooking a mode in which many would wish to operate:
> generating a new anonymous address for almost every active TCP open
> (I say almost because the data connection for an FTP transfer is an
> obvious exception) and some class of new UDP sockets.

The draft should allow implementations to generate anonymous addresses very
frequently. I did some testing generating a new anonymous address every five
seconds. Generating a new source address for every socket probably
introduces unacceptable latency for DAD, but it should be allowed. Another
problem with generating so many addresses is knowing when they can be
removed. The draft allows implementations to remove unused deprecated
anonymous addresses, but it may be difficult to tell that an address is not
in use. For example an application might use getsockname, save the address
in a variable, and try to bind to it later.

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