In your previous mail you wrote:

   If I understand you correctly, you think it is not good to have the
   flow-label carry "in clear" information which is also carried in parts
   of the transport header, which is hidden through encryption.

=> I am afraid that the paranoic security guy (and usually he is)
will simply say: flow label is supposed to be a pseudo-random number,
someone is using it as a cover channel, just reset it to zero.
I agree this will be a silly attitude but in fact the flow label was
not designed to do that (for years we don't use it and now we fight
for keeping it for us :-).
   Well, the source and destination, are in clear.... But, if one wants to
   the flow label, then the packet can be encrypted in tunnel mode, to hide
   everything in the IPv6 maim header.
=> I am not a IPsec == VPN person. My real concern is I'd like to keep
the flow label for IntServ, and to give to DiffServ more flexibility
(ie. more/enough bits). I have no opinion about MPLS...


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