> But the above is a SHOULD and the validity checks in section 8.1
> say MUST discard when this fails:
>       - The IP source address of the Redirect is the same as 
> the current
>         first-hop router for the specified ICMP Destination Address.
> If there is only one default route pointing at the link
> from which the redirect was received
> (or for implementations with a richer routing table, 
> the lookup of the destination address only finds one routing
> table entry that points at that link), then the redirect can
> be safely used to create a destination cache entry.
> But when the lookup finds more than one possible next hops 
> that might have
> been used to send the original packet, it seems a bit dangerous to
> accept the redirect.

The "current first-hop router for a destination" is a well-defined
concept in our implementation, even if there are multiple default
routers and no current destination cache entry.  I don't see the danger
in accepting the redirect under those circumstances.

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