>       I suggest you to rnu DAD for every address you have (so run
>       DAD for A::1).  the following fragment is from RFC2462 5.4.  I
>       believe it works only if all the neighbors are using
>       autoconfigured address only. as we are not sure about how the
>       neighbors would behave, it is safer to run DAD for eveyr
>       addresses you have.

Why cannot id's on link be simply defined as:

- Any active normal id on the link can be assigned only to one host at
  at a time.

- in ADDRCOF, DAD would simply reduce to a question: is the id part of
  the address same as one of my assigned ids? It would not matter
  which prefix you use to do the DAD.

- neighbor discovery would not need any changes. That would still use
  full addresses.

What are the objections against above simple fix? What breaks?

As it is now, and from the messages on this thread I deduce, that my
implementation must do the following things:

- at interface startup obtain id(s) and do DAD on it/them using link
  local address

- do DAD on each manually configured address

- on receiving RA, if it has M new prefixes (with A=1), and I have
  currently N id's, start M*N DAD processes, one for each
  combination. (at least TAHI seems to expect to see DAD on RA).

  Must handle situations where some combinations pass DAD and some
  not. => if I need some failed prefix, I have to generate a new id
  before I can use it

- any time I generate a id (privacy), and if I have M prefixes, do
  start M+1 DAD processes, one for each prefix and one for link local.

Of course, one could delay generating id and testing DAD until one has
a packet to send. I don't much like this, as it either requires
buffering packets at IP layer or dropping them, until situation gets
cleared. [yes, I already have to do it for ND, but I still don't like
it .. :-]

Markku Savela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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