In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jari Arkko writes:
>* In the Internet Area, there is the itrace WG which is
>   specifically chartered for looking into DoS, but is
>   looking only at a particular solution. Is this
>   solution sufficient for all DoS issues? We're not sure
>   but at least some of the individual DoS concerns such
>   as attacking address autoconfiguration don't really
>   fall on the area that i-trace can deal with.

Without addressing your general question, IESG policy is that working 
groups should be very carefully focused.  A hypothetical "Fix DDoS Working 
Group" would probably not meet that test -- there are no concrete 

That said, an RFC that discussed DoS avoidance strategies would be
a good idea.  I'm agnostic about whether that should be done in a
WG or as an individual submission, but BCP status would be a good
one to aim for.  How this process should be organized is up to the
AD's and the IESG.  (Also note that the next rev of draft-rescorla-sec-cons
has a good section on DoS attacks.)

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