
> > Also, note that none of this is ever going to be any protection
> > against someone deliberately setting out to maliciously alter data -
> > only dnssec type techniques can achieve that.  In the non-signed
> > cases, all we're really interested in is inadvertent data errors
> > (mistakes).
> I think you're in the margin on this one.  Without poison protection
> similar to the djb variety,

As Dan finally understood just recently, poison protection
is easy, if one understand the problem correctly.

His approach is overkill and broken.

> parties have done so.  With bailiwick-related poison protection,

Could you stop saying "bailiwick"?

> maliciously altering data requires (a) forging DNS responses (by
> sniffing the network path between sender and receiver, or by spamming

It is called weak security.

> it becomes trivial to mass-produce cache
> poison,

Yes. But, Paul ignored it when I said so about 10 years ago
and later added wrong fixes.

                                                Masataka Ohta
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