On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Francis Dupont wrote:
>  In your previous mail you wrote:
>    > => I have the opposite policy so results are different. My target is
>    > integrated systems where IPv6 is *not* optional, no more than IP is!
>    That is a longer term goal.  Currently that only works in closed
>    environments.
> => I disagree about the closed environments, this works everywhere but
> this is very interesting only in environments where IPv6 is common.

These environments aren't that common, and unlikely to get so very soon
(speaking from OS perspective).

Currently systems are often ipv4 only.  One day they just don't magically
turn into ipv6 only boxes.  Dual stack is the way the world is going

> => my target is not the same, you want to provide an optional IPv6 support
> (so 3) or 4) are needed), I want to provide an integrated IPv6 support
> so the IPv6 support is *not* optional, there is only a possibility to
> disable it for disaster recovery (because I run the code on the same
> system I develop it, I don't use the traditional/expensive way with
> two boxes).

Wanna bet your target isn't the most common case?

There's no way there's going to be a flag day when people just magically
get IPv6 enabled operating systems and never want to disable the support

The transition process will be long, and API's and implementations will
have to cope with the fact.

3G, home gadgets etc. aside where there exists no ipv4 implementation (or
no implementation at all), you have like:

- Windows
- Linux
- {Free,Open,Net}BSD
- MacOS (=> FreeBSD)

I dare say these are at least 99% of potential IPv6 end-user systems.

End-users are the ones that will create the critical mass for IPv6, so
their needs must be looked after.

In corporate environments, you might also have, in addition to above,
systems like:

- Solaris, Tru64, HP-UX, AIX, etc. *UX
- Cisco, etc. router products (if not replaced with e.g. BSD)

All of these have existing, _working_ IPv4 network implementation.  No one
is going to just completely replace ipv4 with ipv6 one nice afternoon.  It
_will_ be necessary for the vendors to ship applications and code which
works in dual-stack configurations, and on systems where people are at
different stages in ipv4 -> ipv6 transition.

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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