once they are documented in RFC's they can be added.  

--bill (zone admin for mcast.net)

% Erik,
%      I would love to see more usage of DNS for multicast.  There
% are examples today of mcast addresses being registered in DNS.
% Go to your favorite resolver and see what address you get back
% when you query all-routers.mcast.net.
%      I would have to go and check, but I don't recall discussion
% of the use of DNS within the MALLOC Architecture.  However, it
% would seem rather easy to use DDNS to add MAPCAP allocated addresses
% to the DNS.
% Brian
% Erik Nordmark wrote:
% > 
% > > This is a good question, and in fact it's not multicast specific.
% > > Here's the unicast equivalent:
% > >
% > > You're advertising a unicast streaming session on a web page that
% > > will start in two weeks (and last one day).  You use a URL with
% > > a literal unicast address in it.  However, you don't know from
% > > your RA that your address will definitely be the same by then.
% > > Again, this would seem like it might be a problem.
% > 
% > Yes, but for unicast there is a clear possibility of using a hostname instead
% > of a literal IP address in such a case. In fact I suspect most unicast
% > usage of this nature uses a hostname.
% > 
% > Is such a mechanism possible to use for multicast? (i.e. advertise a FQDN on
% > web pages, in SDP, etc and have the hosts do a DNS lookup to join the
% > session?)
% > Does the malloc architecture take into account using the DNS in
% > such a way?
% > 
% >    Erik
% > 
% > > I think the same dangers and possible solutions exist for both
% > > unicast and multicast.  Some solutions, with varying degrees of
% > > "goodness", might include:
% > > 1) Change the web page if the address changes, and hope people
% > >    don't use an out-of-date web page.
% > > 2) Don't use address literals in the URL, and hope that people
% > >    don't resolve the name to an address until close to the
% > >    session starts.
% > > 3) Make the admin have knowledge somehow that the address
% > >    will indeed be valid throughout the life of the session
% > >    advertised.
% > >
% > > The point is that pretty much any solution you use
% > > for unicast can be used for multicast as well.
% > >
% > > -Dave
% > 
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% > IETF IPng Working Group Mailing List
% > IPng Home Page:                      http://playground.sun.com/ipng
% > FTP archive:                      ftp://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng
% > Direct all administrative requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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IETF IPng Working Group Mailing List
IPng Home Page:                      http://playground.sun.com/ipng
FTP archive:                      ftp://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng
Direct all administrative requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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