Hello, every one.

I have installed apache-1.3.19-5.src.rpm(with
apache-1.3.19+IPv6.spec) and
mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-0.9.5.tar.gz refer to Peter
Bieringer's linux IPv6 beginner's guide in WowLinux
But I cant't access the apache server with mozilla by
IPv6 address, although I can access it with IPv4
I don't know the problem is because of mozilla client
or apache web server?
Shoud I configure the httpd.conf with some IPv6
supporting option? Or, should mozilla be patched with
IPv6? If so, where can I get the patch file?
And where can I get some detail guide for
configuration IPv6 application servers, like apache,
Bind, ftpd, etc.
Please give me any help...
Thanks in advance

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