
My thinking that led to the draft was to change the current ND behavior to 
require spreading the load between multiple default routers.  Currently ND 
does not require this.  I noticed the current ND behavior when I wrote the 
VRRP for IPV6 draft, that there wasn't any mechanism to that required hosts 
to use more than one default router, even when several existed.

I talked about round robin because it was very simple and would do a 
reasonable job spreading the traffic.  Other approaches are possible, but 
more complex.  The draft could be changed to allow other load sharing 
mechanisms as well.


At 07:48 AM 11/9/2001, Jack McCann wrote:

>draft-hinden-ipv6-host-load-sharing-00.txt states:
> > An implementation MUST cycle through the router list in a round-
> > robin fashion while making sure it always returns a reachable or
> > a probably reachable router when one is available.
>I can see encouraging implementations to do some sort of load sharing,
>but why does it have to be round-robin, and why MUST and not SHOULD?
>- Jack
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