Date:        Fri, 5 Oct 2001 15:27:41 -0700
    From:        "Richard Draves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  | I'm a bit reluctant to build in the constant 64. Admittedly it's already
  | a magic number for IPv6, but I'm not excited about embedding knowledge
  | of it in yet another place.

I completely agree with that.   If using /128 for the match would actually
break something, then yes, change it - but it won't, all it does is change
what would be an undefined match where things agree in /64 to a defined
(if in a way that makes little or no rational sense when observed without
understanding the rule) match.

No built in prefix lengths anywhere please, except where they're actually
required for interoperability - and here it isn't.


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