On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Vladislav Yasevich wrote:

> I've read your draft and here is the list of comments regarding the
> Routing Header.  In my comments I am making an assumption that hosts
> do not forward packets off the node.

My draft makes the opposite assumption, as that is how I perceive most
implementations do (Linux, KAME, probably Windows as they use round-trip
traceroute, etc.), as seems to be expected by RFC2460.

Your points are valid when you make the above assumption.

Nonetheless, discussion in 2.5.1. and security considerations apply.  
IMO, "same-node" does not seem to be a strict enough requirement, if one
assumes this kind of routing header processing would have to be enabled on
*every* host.

> ---- Section 2.1 ----
> [...]
> to forward using let's say ip6_forward() method.  Since this is a
> host, it should not be forwarding off the node (assumption above).  
> Since the route to 'host2' points off the node, the packet is dropped
> (and I think the ICMP error is returned, not sure on this point).

As far as I can see, no ICMP error is returned; I don't see where it would 
be specified, and quick tests don't show that either.

> As you can see, if we restrict the hosts to not forward packets off
> the node ( I think this is already done... indirectly), then the
> routing headers do not really cause big problems.

Where is this done indirectly?

As a matter of fact, until very recently, one implementation specifically 
allowed routing headers even when the general forwarding was  disabled .. 
because that is what impression RFC2460 gives.

> As for your message with people creating routes to loopback, there is
> nothing you can do if people insist of shooting themselves in the
> foot. :)

Remember, it's _attackers_ who are not doing this -- not administrator 
shooting themselves in the foot.

Addrarch requires that these packets to loopback, site/linklocal are
dropped at input.  However, I'm curious whether all implementations 
process the packets received through this mechanism via the same input 
functions as regular packets would have been -- that is, has someone 
created "shortcuts" here..

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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