"Hesham Soliman (ERA)" wrote:
>   > > => Well, there is no requirement that the flow label is
>   > > globally unique. So this should work as long as you use
>   > > a unique value between 2 addresses.
>   > >
>   >
>   > However, it's only useful for a subset of cases,
> => I didn't really understand what you mean by 'subset
> of cases'.

It doesn't apply to the diffserv usage (where the label
is unique to a traffic class, not a flow or a pair of ports,
and may be IANA-registered).

> so I don't think
>   > it affects the basic definition in the draft.
>   >
> => Not at all, it's not meant to affect the basic
> definition in the draft, on the contrary it's
> meant to complement it. 

Understood - i.e. it would only be used in some scenarios.

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